
Capturing Stories, Connecting Generations

What do you really know about the older adults in your life? Did you learn things about your parents or grandparents after they died that you wish you'd had the chance to talk with them about when they were alive? If you have kids, wouldn't it be wonderful for them to learn more about their family history through the firsthand accounts of their elders? Older adults can inspire us through their vulnerability and courage, their humor and resilience. Now more than ever, we need their stories. And they are the only ones who can tell them. Life Stories for the Ages is on a mission to preserve the rich stories of older adults for the benefit of every generation.

What Makes Life Stories for the Ages Special ?

Life Stories for the Ages serves a generation that has lived through wars, measles and the polio epidemic. And they have been especially vulnerable during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our interviews honor the legacies of these pioneering individuals while reducing their social isolation through lively conversations that give them a sense of purpose and leave them feeling at peace. Hearing their stories, adult children can learn new things about their elders, better understand personality traits they may have and get help navigating a problem in life that their elders have faced. Younger generations have a chance to learn about history from people who actually lived it, and gain a positive view of aging.

We also offer Ethical Wills (or legacy letters), a story-based, written expression of your values, beliefs and life lessons. This innovative way of leaving a legacy is about sharing what you want your loved ones to KNOW, not have.
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Who We Are



Founder & Chief Storyteller

I’ve worked in storytelling and media production for over 20 years, from network and public television production to authoring a book and launching the popular digital radio show, The Agewyz Podcast. Created in 2015, The Agewyz Podcast supports people caring for family members, friends and relatives amid the demands of their own lives. As host and producer of the show, I’ve had the privilege of conducting over 150 interviews with people from diverse cultures and age groups, from millennials to the “oldest old” (85 and up). These conversations, filled with joy and heartache, have been widely praised for their honesty and affirmation of the human experience. The Agewyz Podcast has been cited by Aging Care, Elder Guru and others for the design and execution of this digital media project created for underserved community.

Life Stories for the Ages is the culmination of many years of media work and speaks to my own roots as a Greek-American whose grandparents were a big part of my life growing up. They were the wise elders I looked up to, who left behind everything that was familiar as they emigrated from Greece to the US and Canada to make a better life for themselves. My maternal Yia-Yia (grandmother) was particularly adventurous, traveling all on her own as a teenager from the Greek island of Lesbos to Toronto to meet her future husband in an arranged marriage.

I am thrilled to be using my diverse media background to build on the established tradition of oral history storytelling by updating it with new media tools that engage people emotionally, through their eyes and ears. By preserving these enduring stories, family members can cherish the unique life experiences of someone they love over and over again.



Director of Photography & Editor
When Jana first told me about Life Stories for the Ages, I was excited for the opportunity to collaborate on the first full-length video. I’ve been a shooter/editor since the early 1990’s and have logged many hours behind the camera recording talking heads. However, this time was different… our subject wasn’t selling widgets or discussing 3rd quarter financials – they were sharing heartfelt stories about their past, stories that literally shaped who they are today. It was engaging, refreshing & enlightening and it was obvious they wanted their stories to be heard – and professionally preserved. If the experience was this moving for me, I can only imagine how touching it must be for families that decide to have a legacy video produced.

What People Are Saying

Life Stories for the Ages is a million dollar idea! I wish Life Stories for the Ages had been available to me before my mom passed away. I would have loved the opportunity to have had her professionally interviewed and filmed,

Margot M. Thomas
Contributor to Crowdfunding
Campaign on iFundWomen

I think my life has been pretty interesting. And I'm glad you do. I like this process because I like talking with you. Seriously. You're good to talk to. You have reactions, and you look like you're listening. It's really wonderful. People are not used to being listened to very much. Really listened to.

Maxine Borowsky Junge
Artist, Art Therapist
Life Story Interview Subject

Jana's mission speaks to me on a very personal level. My own grandmother has been planning to write her memoir for more than a decade, but it's a daunting task that no one in the family has yet to help her with, and there's only so much time left. She's 87 now. I want her story to live. Life Stories for the Ages empowers seniors to tell their life stories and preserve them for future generations.

Melinda Coler
Co-Founder & CEO, Lessons Up

 jana@agewyz.com | 800-590-2129
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